Chili Peppers Are Good for Your Heart—Here Are 10 Hot Sauces To Help You Reap the Benefits – The Very Thought Of It!

According to new research from the American Heart Association, regularly eating chili peppers is great for your heart and may help you live a longer life.

In the new analysis based on information from 570,000 individuals across United States, Italy, China and Iran, researchers found eating chili peppers could reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease death by 26 percent. Additionally, those who ate chili peppers regularly also had a 25 percent reduced risk of death from any cause, and 23 percent fewer cancer deaths, than those who didn’t. That may be due to chili peppers’ active component capsaicin, which the AHA says has been found to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer, and blood glucose-regulating effects.

The health perks are the ultimate bonus of adding a little heat to your meals, and reaping the benefits is easy: Just grab one of the best hot sauces around. Whether you’re wanting a mild Baby Spice variety or a feisty Scary Spice pick, there’s something for everyone.

The 10 best hot sauces to spice up your meals

1. Hot Ones The Classic Hot Sauce, $15

If you’re a fan of Hot Ones, you have to try this classic hot sauce. Made with all-natural ingredients—like apple cider vinegar and organic and responsibly-grown chili peppers—the mild option is great for beginners.

Shop now: Hot Ones The Classic Hot Sauce, $15

2. Lady J Sauce Ol’ Lady Original Vegan, $10

This award-winning hot sauce is the perfect combination of sweet and spicy. It’s also soy-free, vegan, and organic, and compliments everything on your plate.

Shop now: Lady J Sauce Ol’ Lady Original Vegan, $10

3. Kumana Avocado Hot Sauce, $10

Nope, you’re not dreaming. Avocado hot sauce exists. It has mild heat thanks to habanero chili peppers, and a whole lot of flavor thanks to avocado, green bell peppers, mango, and onion.

Shop now: Kumana Avocado Hot Sauce, $10

4. Sonoma Hot Sauce, $12

best hot sauces

This Latina- and woman-owned hot sauce brand is a must-try. The owner has said she’s never eaten a dish without a chili pepper, so you know it’s going to be good.

Shop now: Sonoma Hot Sauce, $12

5. Small Axe Peppers Bang Hot Sauce, $7

The peppers in this hot sauce are sourced from community gardens throughout the Bronx. It also contains only six ingredients, and there’s no additives or preservatives.

Shop now: Small Axe Peppers Bang Hot Sauce, $7

6. Heartbeat Hot Sauce Pineapple Habanero, $12

best hot sauces

Don’t let the pineapple fool you. There’s plenty of heat in this hot sauce that pairs flawlessly with the sweet fruit.

Shop now: Heartbeat Hot Sauce Pineapple Habanero, $12

7. Cholula Original Hot Sauce, $17

best hot sauces

You can’t have a best hot sauce round-up without this OG option. It’s so good you won’t just want to use it at home—you’ll also want to put it in your purse to take on the go.

Shop now: Cholula Original Hot Sauce, $17

8. Secret Aardvark Habanero Hot Sauce, $15 for 2

best hot sauces

This hot sauce is made with habanero peppers and tomatoes, making it a unique Caribbean and Tex-Mex hybrid. It’s also vegan, gluten-free, certified organic, and has no artificial flavors.

Shop now: Secret Aardvark Habanero Hot Sauce, $15 for 2

9. TRUFF Hot Sauce, $18

This hot sauce is the number one best-seller on Amazon for good reason. It’s infused with black truffle, chili peppers, and organic agave nectar for a unique and delicious taste.

Shop now: TRUFF Hot Sauce, $18

10. Yellowbird Hot Sauce Variety Pack, $20

best hot sauces

If you can’t decide what kind of hot sauce you want, try this variety pack. There’s a wide range of flavors and spice levels to enjoy, from blue agave sriracha to a ghost pepper blend.

Shop now: Yellowbird Hot Sauce Variety Pack, $20

Top this dish with your new favorite hot sauce:

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